The whole community is on fire with this Gucci and Prada blackface scandal. We recently reported that rapper T.I. invited everyone to boycott Gucci and posted a few suggestions on his social media account.
More celebrities agreed, and the latest one who seems to be taking measures is Safaree Samuels.
The man is already in the studio, dropping some brand new anti-Gucci music. Check out the video and listen to the tune.
People were not exactly digging the music, but they definitely liked the idea.
Someone posted ‘I know Nicki is crying in her car literally 😂😂😂😂listening too this.’
People brought up Nicki Minaj because, if you recall, a long time ago, there were some suppositions suggesting that Safaree wrote music for Nicki.
Another follower said ‘And y’all actually have the ideal to think he wrote for Nicki smh,’ and a person agreed: ‘He makes it so hard for me to believe he wrote for Nicki 😂😂😂😂’
A commenter wrote ‘Their kid will be great in music & they’ll both try to live through him/her. Lol safaree just don’t have “it” to be solo up front he not horrible. Actually talented. He great behind the scenes. Erica knows the business so she will most likely be the kid’s manager.’
There’s a video in which Safaree Samuels previews some new music together with Erica Mena and this led some fans to say that she is pregnant.
A lot of people agreed and said the same thing. There hasn’t been any official announcement about Erica’s alleged pregnancy yet, so we’ll just have to wait and see.