"Therapy Session / Pelle Coat" Facts
"Therapy Session / Pelle Coat" has reached 10.2M total views, 313.2K likes, and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on 25/05/2023 and spent 2 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Therapy Session / Pelle Coat" is "LIL DURK - THERAPY SESSION / PELLE COAT (OFFICIAL VIDEO)".
"Therapy Session / Pelle Coat" has been published on Youtube at 25/05/2023 07:00:11
"Therapy Session / Pelle Coat" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Stream "Pelle Coat" off Lil Durk's New Album, Almost ;Out Now:
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Director : Steve Cannon
Executive Producer : Nolan Riddle
Executive producer :Peter Jideonwo "unnecessaryballing"
Producer : Tashi Bhutia
DP: Liam Reardon & BBTHDP
Editor : Keats
Sound Design : Ayo Douson
Titles : Damien O DeAnda
#LilDurk #AlmostHealed